we all are hurting more...

We humans have this constant tendency of surprising ourselves by doing exactly what we’ve all along thought we’ll never ever be doing. We love to live under the illusion that we’ll be able to control our thoughts and deeds all the times. Every time we see people around us react to certain tricky situations, we are pretty quick to jump the gun and offer unsolicited advice; and we more often then not think about how we’ll be able to handle it so much better then him or her.

But when we ourselves are the one’s facing the firing squad, most times we’ll end up doing worst then others; at least that’s how we all mostly feel. I’ve kind of come to admire the tendency of some of my friends, of being there to listen rather then speak (I am pretty lucky in that I’ve so many good people around me).

Also one thing I’ve come to realize is you can never quantify hurt. Everything hurts, whether a tiny thorn or a punch in your guts; hurt is hurt. Best we can do is respect that thought.

-- amen


CuriousCat said...

Your posts are so cryptic always!
I always wonder what the inspiration would be.
Hurt is hurt true. But a broken heart(or arm if heart made u go ecky!) hurts more than a thorn prick, some way to quantify right?!

Arun Loitongbam said...

hmm... there r always things that causes us to write stuff like this, both good and bad!!!
well generally bad :(