life or something like it...

It fluctuates between the absolute high and the depressing lows. There’s very little in between. As we let time pass, knowing that so many things can happen if we just push it a little harder, maybe give few things a chance. But that’s life and all its little complexities. You seldom actually take charge of things. “Go with the flow, swim when the tide’s high and duck when you see a branch.”
But then sometime you do look longingly at that far-off island where the water seems so much nicer, it’s a tad bit sunnier, and where the flowers and birds seem somehow slightly more colorful and prettier.
But maybe in between all these you tend to forget you already might be in your own personal heaven.
You are just not appreciating it enough.


CuriousCat said...

Oh my god :O
Optimism from Arun Loitongbam?!
How? Where? When?!
Yes, you are in your personal heaven, NOW!

Arun Loitongbam said...

i am turning on a new leaf!!!
optimistic arun!!!