what am I talking?

Why do humans lie?

It's a sort of defense mechanism humans have developed over the ages. Now the level of precision that has been achieved so far varies from individual to individual. Like for example, I rarely ever lie. You may take it with a pinch of salt but that is a fact. Now you may mostly ask me how I am still surviving without such an important defense mechanism, didn't you read about Darwin's survival of the fittest in middle school?well I was always too good for any school lessons so I pretty much ignored most of the stuff that were scribbled down on that big black board at that time. I just guess I was way ahead of my time. As I always say, I never lie.Now the question is, my great great great grand parents and their great grand parents fought tooth and nail to get me up so high in the food chain, don't I feel even a little bit indebted towards keeping that tradition alive?Well truth is, I take that responsibility very seriously.And how do I go about doing what it takes? Well to bigin with, I make sure I vehemently denounce all the plant eaters of the universe and try my best to persuade each and every one of them to have a bite at that tasty, succulent piece of masterpiece GOD created for us, "THE CHICKEN STEAK"...Everyone, I mean everyone comes up with a stroke of total genius at some point in thier life, GOD is no exception. He achieved this place of total NIRVANA, "THE THING", when he came up with chicken, rather THE CHICKEN.shoot... all these talk is making me hungry... now let me go and pay homage to the greatest invention ever.

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