sprouting some gyans...

Frustration is nothing but the inability to fight through a problem…
I need to tell this to myself as many times as it takes for me to start truly accepting it.

Ego and pride should be clearly demarcated. Accepting a mistake, truthfully and graciously, (to oneself to begin with) is not a blemish to your pride, but only to your ego.

A practical solution and a right solution is generally never the same thing. I just wish one day we live in a world where the two are one and same.

We rarely and openly question our own faith. I truly belief we should be strong and healthy enough to question it every day we live.

The only religion we should inherit from our parents is the knowledge of right and wrong, remaining all should be left to choice.

Tolerance doesn’t mean accepting what is wrong, rather it means accepting the fact that your neighbor may do few things without the intention of annoying you, which may end up annoying you in some way.


CuriousCat said...

Seems like a little more than site layout has changed with Loitongbam!
Like them both!

Unknown said...

ahh... just trying to motivate myself and maybe ppl around me!!!
silence is not a virtue anymore :(