Why a Gerrard is worth 20 Beckhams!!!

At the end, the much publicized effort from Manchester City’s Middle East billionaires to lure Kaka into moving from Milan has failed, luckily for all football fans around the globe. Kaka has in part shown great personal integrity and maybe career acumen in declining all the millions offered to him. This would have been close to footballing suicide for him. That’s why my respect for this player has grown ten-fold in the past one week. He plays the game the way it’s supposed to be. You play for your team and not for the money.

That’s why over time, people will remember, and even revere players like Steven Gerrard, Pablo Maldini long after they stop playing; for their respect, commitment to their team and fans. They truly are great sportsmen. That’s why a David Beckham will stay in our memory just long enough till the next show-piece comes along; whereas a Gerrard will linger much much longer.

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